Teacher Blog

Why I Make Classroom Goals

There are so many studies out that prove the importance and use of goal setting. I have been an avid goal setter for many years now and it has helped me get to where I am today! But, where did I learn to make goals? I can't honestly remember ever being explicitly taught how and why to make goals. This is one of the reasons why I make classroom goals with my students. It is so important for them to not only see how to make goals but what it can do for them in their future.

Teacher Blog

The Most Impactful Moment of my Teaching Career

Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and YouTube! The Best Moment of my Teaching Career Since I am now one full month into teaching in this new blended learning style, I have taken some time to reflect on how far I have come as a teacher. If you don't know anyone in the teaching… Continue reading The Most Impactful Moment of my Teaching Career

Teacher Blog

High School Social Studies Classroom Setup

My classroom during the school year is like my second home. Or, let's be honest, it's more like my first home. Every year I try to update and upgrade different elements of my room. I try to find a balance between cute décor and useful areas for the students. Here is how I arrange my high school social studies classroom setup.

Teacher Blog, Teaching Youth

An Open Letter to my Students

It has taken me a while to formulate what I wish to say to you all. Even now, I am not sure if I will say all the right words to show you what I am feeling, but here it goes.

Teacher Blog, Teaching Youth

Lessons Learned from Online Teaching

Being thrown into online teaching had its challenges. But, one of the good things was I didn't have time to overthink, I had to just do. Now that the school year is winding down, I want to reflect on some of the lessons I learned about myself, my students, and my community during this unprecedented time.

Teacher Blog, Teaching Youth

My Virtual Teaching Strategy – Self Paced Learning

The Pros and Cons to self-paced learning while virtual teaching.

Teacher Blog

Day 9-12 March 27-30 – Self Care

Do any Google search and you can find a million self-care tips and tricks to take part in during our time of "safer at home." I wanted to share with you some of the things I have done to support my social and emotional health.

Teacher Blog

Day 7 – March 25th, 2020 – Small Victories

It is important to count the small victories in times like these. I know that as a teacher I really miss my kiddos. I pour my heart and soul into this job and I care deeply about their well being. If they can get some sense of happiness, ease, or enjoyment from my classes while we are apart, then I know I am doing the best I can.